Thursday, November 15, 2012

Welcome to my house, Windows Phone 8!!

Yesterday morning at 11am, I walked into my local T-Mobile store, and upgrade to the HTC 8X. When WP8 was announced I was estatic. As soon as Windows Phone 7 came out, I grabbed it up, in the form of the HTC HD7, also from T-Mobile. What followed was two years of pure bliss mostly pure bliss. In the beginning when WP7 came out there were some...obvious problems: no copy and paste, no screen caps, and a plethora of other OS issues that still seemed to be working themselves out. But with the release of MANGO, the addition of Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies, and the growing marketplace, I knew that the Windows Phone market was ready to take on the big cell phone companies out there and challenge their OS to do better, or get left in the dust.

Windows Phones are still falling behind purchases of Android phones and the iPhone family, but they're slowly making their mark, and for good reason.

Let's face it: the biggest reason any of us own Androids or iPhones is because of the apps. We can go on all we want about specs, and history, and legacy, and bla bla bla, but you cut the marketplaces for apps down substantially, remove Instagram, and the many other essential apps that have made Android and iPhone what it is today, and you're going to see a huge shift away from those OS's. Apps are amazing. They're what give our phones life and purpose. They make or break an OS.

And with Windows Phones finally building their marketplace to be a true contender in the OS war, I can only see things moving up and up for WP and Microsoft.

So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, welcome to my blogging journey with my Windows Phone 8! On this blog you can expect to find reviews of WP8 from the point of view of a Mom. I am mother to a 4 year old little girl, a 6 year old Akita/Aussie, and a 3 year old Tuxedo cat. I love blogging, and I love tech, and bringing the two together to keep you in the know on what amazing things are happening around Windows Phone 8, specifically with parents in mind, is a venture that thrills me to pieces!

Thanks for joining me here and I hope you hang around for a while!!

Tamara aka Windows Phone Mommy

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